You’re stuck, overwhelmed, and tired? we’re here to help finding your way forward.
Mission Statement
Caregiverhelp.net is here to help you. the care giver, cope with the endless test of your love and patience. Loved ones, who need care from you are generally older family members who are incapable of doing many of things that they could do when they were younger. They often feel, as you know already frustrated at their condition and their need to depend on you.
You try to resist treating your loved ones as children, despite the temptation to do so. They are your mothers or fathers, siblings, nephews, or nieces, or even a close friend that no one else can or wants to care for. You find yourself in a situation which is very stressful; for yourself and for the person for whom you are providing care.
In many cases there are excellent insurance policies which help pay for or augment what the loved one needs. However, the actual care falls on you! No one can put a price tag on your emotional and physical stress in providing that care. No matter what an insurance policy pays for the care there is always the need for help in providing the myriad things your loved ones need.
Service and Support
The team at CareGiverHelper.net provides you with support in many ways and here is how we work to help you:
If you hire us to help you we will ask you to give us written permission to act on your behalf with doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, transportation companies (both free and paid for), insurance companies, medical reporting companies and whatever other companies you deal with in order to take care of your loved one. We will NOT ask you for permission to handle any money, have access to any banking information, or to receive or change anything that you do not want caregiverhelper.net to have access.
You are still in charge of caring for your loved one(s). We just want to make things easier for you!
Once we have your permission we will provide with the following services:
Our fee is by monthly subscription through PayPal. You can cancel at any time. Because of the amount of time in setting up all accounts the first month subscription is non refundable.
Monthly subscription is $750.
Use any Debit Card or Credit Card
You’re stuck, overwhelmed, and tired? we’re here to help finding your way forward.
© 2025 Caregiver Helper. All Rights Reserved